Monday 27 August 2012

Last Thursday I was having a great rehearsal with the Corner Boys blues band who have temporarily adopted me and then  I needed to go to the toilet after a while . No problem , I'm on Heather Dunn's farm, there is the house and a lot of land around but where do I go ? So I ask Heathers husband and he takes me to a small shed a little way off , no door , just what I thought was an empty shed, because I couldn't see the bath tub hidden out of sight around the corner . He says " Just pee in there Paul so I head off to the corner , the most obvious place , and then he burst out laughing saying " No , pee in the bathtub I've got it running off at the back!" Fair enough , I'm invited to rehearse with the Corner Boys at the Dunn's smashing place and now I'm being told to pee in the bath. These are the sort of people I like! Anyway , the wetting was done and I looked around to wash my hands. No sink. Heathers  husband said " Wash your hands from this chemical cream dispenser and it dries your hands as well " . They have these in the Lake District bogs . Very green apparently . I got a great wadge of the stuff on my hands , to much and just as I was about to go back into the rehearsal barn with him and rejoin the band I looked down at my left hand and it was still covered in the thick white creamy stuff from the hand washing because I had used so much. Holding my creamy hand up to him I said " Hey man , this looks bad I can't go in there with a hand like this . What the hell are they gonna think?! He burst out laughing and got me a rag to wipe my hand clean! Tricky  being me sometimes . Things just happen.

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