Sunday 10 April 2011

Yesterday with the family I had a nice 4 mile walk around Durham under a milky white spring sky . For once walking down the road from the car there weren't bird sounds coming out of what we call the singing hedge because we can hear the birds but not see them . Maybe they'd all gone off to sit on nests. The spring was errr springing out and the Himalaya Balsam was popping out of the ground but no competition to the Blackthorn Blossom! Fiona was still a bit woozy from her cold so biscuit break was just a mile and a half down the path . Nice walk.

In the evening I was playing at the Butterknowle Village Hall Fundraiser and it was quite a wild night . The music was good but basically the PA was to small for that size venue and that amount of people so feedback was a problem . I'm taking my own rig next time so I can get heard because as Fiona said " I could hardly hear you ". Still quality music was not necessary for a good night and a fun time was had by all. I amused a few when Bryan Whiley announced that the Pie and Peas were being served so I just ran to the serving hatch to the accompaniment of a few cheers ! A nice night but we have have to get the sound problems sorted out !