Saturday 17 November 2012

On a day when the rain cleared up and left a blue but moody sky with clouds I could not make head nor tail of we left Fiona at home because she felt dizzy after moving some furniture this morning. So, me and the two lads headed off for the Durham Woods for the usual Saturday afternoon trek which went a lot quicker because when Fiona is not with us we walk a lot brisker.

Before setting off another one of those many and myriad amusing moments that occur in my family did actually happen. As Miles who got us alive to Durham he pulled over to park the car and when it had stopped I asked him if it was level with the pavement. He wound the window down and solemnly said "I AM STRAIGHT". Clifford and I just laughed our heads of and I said I'm not actually that bothered about his orientation Miles and we had a good giggle about this for the next 10 min. Walking, laughter and mayhem tend to go together in our family.

We went out half an hour later today 1:30 PM so we could catch the evening light on the way back and it was totally gorgeous going round on a different route cutting across from the river Wear over to the Durham Woods and then onwards by the Arboretum and into the City Centre. Biscuit break at Cloisters in Durham Cathedral was mellow and nice. When walking from the Cathedral into the town centre we discovered a new hat shop which had a multitude of seriously nice and downright funny hats and Miles tried on one of them which was a wolf's head all nicely knitted with huge ears which went down to the waist. I thought he looked quite good  but not cute because he is too full of muscles and squarejawed for that.

On the way back alongside the River Wear we saw no birds whatsoever the Little Grebes have abandoned trying to feed on that stretch of river I'm sure because the rowers from Durham University have got too much for them. Oh well there is plenty more of the River Wear for Little Grebes to go to. On the way home there were some peculiar looking clouds but I could not clearly identify what they were and when we got back Fiona was in better fettle but still a bit woozy so we just went for a crash out and cuddle together and listen to "Old Ideas" by Leonard Cohen which is totally gorgeous. As usual I insisted on putting my cold right hand upon her person but  always gets her  giggling and telling me to stop which of course encourages me even more but she seems to like it.

Another lovely afternoon out and there was good repartee between me and the boys but increasingly when Fiona does not come with us I really do miss the old girl. Hiking Ladies Rule in my view and my lovely wife is the Queen of them whether she is doing much hiking or not . it will come back I have no doubt about it she is slowly getting fitter and recovering from this sinusitis business.

An honourable mention must be made for the tea I am preparing at the moment. Instead of the usual meatballs I am making home-made hamburger with pork mince 900 g, one large onion nicely chopped and lashings of garlic and rosemary. The usual tomato sauce ,fresh pasta and garlic bread will be accompanying it. To go with the food feast we are watching  Foolsand  Horsesone of the Christmas specials "Fatal Extraction". Another day in the life of Saunders Priem family has passed by but there is still the evening to come and I have got some great Star Trek episodes to watch as well as another viewing of the BBC programme "How small is the Universe" . Great food, a lovely family and an opportunity to do some serious understanding equals paradise for me.