Saturday 21 April 2012

On an intermittently light and very heavy showery day me and the family had a nice walk around Durham City. I was a bit cheesed off today because my new musical doghouse in the garage which I was hoping to move into and get some serious blowing done on my harmonica has not really worked out. We may need to put an extension on in order for it to work and we just don't want to spend all that money out at the moment. So, I will be practising in the living come study room at the back from early morning to when Miles gets going with the serious stuff, mathematics, and then I will move up into Clifford's room because he will be at college and get the rest of my practising down there. I was also mildly cheesed off today because the folk who interviewed me last Monday said they would inform me yesterday of the outcome and there has not been a peep. Good job I have not got my hopes up and I am realistic about getting any of these jobs mostly because of my age and that's what the statistics say. Then again "lies, dam lies and statistics" and there is an awful lot in that. On the way up to Durham Fiona suggested getting a new "pink hat" which I rather uncivilisedly disparaged and suggested she look for a new headpiece at one of the outdoor gear shops. She duly did that and we had a lot of fun, which cheered me up, and the varying shades of pink, orange and white horizontal banded stripes stuck on her head within the wooly hat that she now has makes her look impressively cute. If she wears it in the hills it will probably scare off every bird and possibly hiker within a five-mile radius but never mind. She is happy. The reason she wanted such a colourful hat is apparently, and I can only suggest that some men need their eyes testing, a couple of guys last week who were serving her in a shop mistook her for a man. She looks all woman to me that's for sure. Anyway, that's been the only event of note in Durham other than it being a very nice place and we got back to our abode, and for a change, crashed out in the back room listening to Leonard Cohen Live in London and harmony in my mind was restored as well as affection with my lovely wife. I am glad she is as tolerant of me as I am of her because at times I can be a pain in the neck. Sometimes it doesn't rain flowers you just roll naked in the nettles! Metaphorically speaking!