Sunday 24 October 2010

Today, I took Miles out for a driving lesson in the morning followed by a really good session in the skate park. He was doing really well so he got a bacon butty reward. And so did I! In the afternoon we had a 3 mile walk around the Easby Woods in Richmond and the autumn was really getting going because there with lots of leaves on the ground and the beach and sycamore trees were shining golden brown. It was a very quiet afternoon with very little wind and all the people we walked by seemed very laid-back and sleepy. Richmond seems to go like that sometimes and it was very quiet in town as well. Last week I lost my hat in Edinburgh Woollen Mill and when I returned today the very nice ladies had found my hat and I got it back. The trouble is, yesterday when I was at Millets in Darlington, I lost my other walking hat whilst getting a waterproof for Clifford! When Fiona went back to that shop today they had not seen the hat but I remember putting it on one of the racks and the lady said that she had swept up the shop yesterday and I am assuming that she did not look on the racks because she would have no reason to do so. Hopefully, I will get my other hat back next week. I have been doing walking and hillwalking for over 40 years and I have never lost anything ever. In the space of one week I have managed to lose two hats. Unbelievable! My mother was very well and we had a very humourous time which I think is the best way to approach visiting grannies because at least they get a laugh! The holiday is progressing very well.