Monday 30 May 2011

Klara Whiley the super singer with Button Hole Jam had a poorly eye last night . Didn't stop her warbling gorgeously . By a strange coincidence I got home last night and climbed into bed , Fiona turned over to ask me about the night and I said "Ughhhhhh: what has happened to your eye !" because it was was completely closed and horribly swollen due to her being bit on the eyelid by an insect whilst she was doing her Garden Goddess bit. I told her gardening was dangerous both for her and for the plants she tends! This morning it is better but I popped her down to casualty and the Doctor gave her anti histamines and penicillin . Poor lady , if the flu bugs aren't getting her the insects are! I've told her some good stories about insects sometimes leaving a little resident after they've bitten you so look out for anything wriggling over the next few days . Human beings are a good breeding ground after all. Ask any mosquito !