Monday 19 March 2012

Well, it has been an interesting day. I applied for a job with MENCAP, filled in the web form which was in PDF format, took quite a while getting my personal statement together so it reflected what I have got and then clicked "Send e-mail". Nothing appeared to happen and I was pretty dam sure it hadn't been sent. Not only that if you leave the webpage everything on the PDF form is lost. So, I e-mailed MENCAP to make sure my application had got there and it hadn't so he quite helpfully sent me an application in word format which I can use with my NaturallySpeaking. It is too late now because the closing date is 5 PM today. Just to really rub it in I had to type in information in the PDF form because NaturallySpeaking will not work and that completely screwed up my left hand and my neck for the whole of the morning, I got a mammoth headache as well, had to break my Baha'i Fast because I needed medicine, actually I'm not sure if I took the medicine and was pretty annoyed.

This is a really nice welcome and first step to the world of applying for work! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Still, even though it ended up in a total failure today I really enjoyed filling the form out and doing my personal statement. I have another job to apply for tonight but the web form with this page can be done with NaturallySpeaking and is not a PDF form. I feel I am totally on the right track and my personal statement is nicely saved and very safely saved on NaturallySpeaking which does save things because it is a proper program not like those nasty PDF Adobe Acrobat wickidos. I was going to say may Adobe Acrobat crash and burn but I do not want to wish anything bad on myself just in case this nice shiny new laptop I have got crashes and then the Bantry catches fire! But it would be funny!