Saturday 29 January 2011

Fo was ill today with another bad bug, bad buggy, so me and the lads had a nice 2 hour walk around the Durham Woods and then on into the City Centre. From the start of the walk in the glowing winter sunshine I could hear a lot of birds but hardly saw any! Down on the river Wear in the shadow of the Cathedral there were four Goosanders a mature pair and two juveniles and it looks like Mummy and Daddy were shooing them away. They will want to mate again to get more little Goosebabies for this year so last years young have got to get on with it on their own. With all that shooing going on I know how they feel : lads : got to get your own little brood going over the next few years : listen to the Goosanders they'll tell you what to do! Anyway the lads tried out a new path only to find it led to a garden so I met up with them further downriver . We had the biscuit break at Starbucks and Cappuccino and Blueberry Skinnies for Clifford and me were matched by Coke and a Smarty Cookie for Miles. "He's such a toddler " is what Fo said about Miles' choice when we got back home! Walking back to Shincliffe along the River Wear we saw a pair of Little Grebes and the male was looking more showy because it was moving into its summer colours and had definitely paired off with a female . On the subject of which the young female oars ladies were given my lads a good look over again. Must be their rucksacks! A great afternoon out only dimmed by not having the lovely Fo with us , but she is feeling better. As she said " At least I'm not off my food " so lots of treats for the great lady! Ham , chips , mushy peas and garlic bread coming up and two episodes of Star Trek : perfection!