Friday 20 August 2010

Well a turn up for the books. OCR got in touch with me today about a enquiry I made something I was not sure about and told us:
"the grading rules for Maths and Further have changed since the specification was published (though the possible combinations have not) with the "least-best" rule you mention being replaced.".
So Miles got an A for his Maths A level and B for his Further maths. Bad doggie. He missed the A grade by 20 points for his Further Maths, 535/600 for Maths and 460/600 for further maths. The bad thing is he missed his target: 2 A's. The good thing is he is not bothered! Why ? For his first of 12 modules that constitute his Open Uni maths degree he got in 2009, 95/100. The interesting thing is the University's simply accumulate the scores and if you get above say 80% you get a distinction as Miles did for that year . The examination boards it seems to me are more about allowing candidates to combine and resit modules to maximise scores for university entrance as well as subject understanding. When Miles embarked on the A Level bit , something he didn't need to do, it was for firstly getting the best grounding in pure maths and mechanics to enable him to have the best chance at getting a good mathematics degree and secondly getting a couple of A Levels on his CV for application form purposes. We both knew the route he was taking would be tricky because he was doing it all on his own and he wanted to do all the modules that interested him irrespective of exam result. He believed that he had the ability and the character to come out of it all with no less than an A and a B. He was right! I found out in 2009 that the combination of units that he had done and was going to do for his A Levels was not on offer in any 6th form school private or state in the land . I wonder why. Miles did all of the Mechanics modules and Further Pure modules which will give any kid the best grounding for studying maths at degree level. I know I have said this before but is it a lowering of standards in maths ( yep that old UK middle class whinge ) if young people are studying the subject at school primarily for uni entrance and not to get a good grounding in the subject? I don't know. From what I can see looking at the Open University course work 20 years ago and comparing it with now they haven't lowered anything at all. I still believe that courses like maths should be the same modules for all kids because it is hard to compare the standard of a kids attainment irrespective of grades if a kid has done easier modules rather than the ones such as Mechanics 3 and 4 and Further Pure 3 which from my look at them and according to Miles good mathematical judgement are harder or "hairyer" as he called them. There is also the issue of resits as well! Anyway deepest apologies to anyone and everyone for getting Miles A Level results wrong in my blog yesterday.