Tuesday 26 April 2011

Yesterday, Fo was doing schoolwork, Miles was doing maths and Clifford said he was tired and didn't want to go out . So I went out on my own down to York where there were some very nice surprises for me . For some compelling reason I wanted to have a look around York Minister so I was really enjoying the atmosphere and the stained glass although the magnificent East Window was out being repaired this window being an amazing pictorial description of the Christian Creation and the Apocalypse. But then came an announcement that shot me bolt upright , not quite a Saint Paul on the road to Damascus moment , not even close , but electrifying anyway: three guys , a Trio were going to sing at 11am in the North Transept and I was pretty sure there would be a real live professional countertenor. Wandering around to the Transept I couldn't run , it was a Church after all , there were the magnificent three, in my mind anyway , a bass , tenor and a countertenor . Now which one was which ? You'd think that one of the two small dapper young men would have the high male alto voice but not so . It was mister beefy at the end a big jovial chap who sang like a lark . Magic . In fact they all sounded together like a dream . Three years training at Trinity College of music had certainly paid off as I found out later after their performance when talking to the suave dapper tenor chappie who as I looked at him thought "I wish my lads had that dapper pose " but there's no chance : to big to many muscles ! Anyway I had a great chat with him after all he had 6 hours to fill before his Trio was performing at the Evensong at 5.15pm and I conveyed my admiration for his light high tenor voice and how beatiful it sounded and he came out with the self deprecating comment " Yes that's right I've no bottom!" Now believe it or that is an interesting subject for singers. The countertenor chappie he sang beautifully but for male altos developing the low notes is a challenge one that he had mostly overcome but not quite . It take years as I'm finding out myself and whilst I could sing the music he was singing there is no way I could match that soaring level of vocal projection that seemed to fill up the North Transept. Lovely. You're a great Trio guys and I hope to hear more of you . A magical moment. Onward with my walk I met my friend Dave a great fiddle player busking near Parliament Street and caught up on what various musicians are doing . I've known Dave since 1984. A very good man who has seen all of my changes and approved of every one of them ! Taking a circuitous route to the University Lake in the hope of seeing something interesting , I did see lots of semi naked students out in the sun, zero interest there , but joy of joys I saw a Lesser Snow Goose several of them . Brilliant , a brown bodied Goose with a white neck and head that look like its just taken its head out of a snow drift. Strode back to the car , had my tail right up what with all the excitement in York Minster and did the three miles back to the car very quickly . I could of stayed to see the Trio at Evensong but Star Trek , tea and my family was calling " Daddeeeeeee where are youuuuuuuuuuu!"