Monday 9 February 2015

I just had a cracking afternoon out with Fiona and Clifford around the Durham Woods and Durham City . Warm wandering clouds floated over all the boys and girls rowing their arms off on the River Wear Regatta. Nice . The town was busy but not so busy that Clifford and Fiona got their hot chocolates swiftly and with satisfaction . The mellow winter Pennine lowland atmosphere was all over the peoples faces and in Durham Cathedral the choristers were warbling their warbles beautifully around the Upper Carboniferous Westphalian sandstone blocks which reflect the sounds wonderfully . We trundled down a quiet A1 on the way back into a stunning Altostratus Cloud sunset with the golden yellow egg yolk sun descending and impressing joyfully . Brill . Well, the Venison Meatballs are simmering in the Tomato sauce and we are about to watch the Danny Boyle film " Sunshine " which is a bit different from his film "Trainspotting" which we watched last night . I'm shot through with that warm connected feeling again and a big love to my family , friends and all humanity .