Sunday 11 July 2010

Yesterday with the family I had a great 6 mile walk around Durham. We walked up one of the wooded banks which was quite steep because we are training ourselves up to walk in the Lake District in a couple of weeks time when Fiona is on summer vacation. As we came back into the city centre I smelt the strong scent of wild mint and there was a patch of it near the road. I have not seen while mint in a number of years so that was very nice. On the one of the weirs in the city centre we saw 2 Terns and when I got back home I identified them as either a Common, Arctic or Roseate Tern. They are usually found on the coast where they dive into the sea for fish. These terms were doing this behaviour but on a freshwater river weir which was only the few inches deep. We watched them for about five minutes and one of them got a fish and headed off down the river away from the weir. We concluded that it was quite likely it was taking the fish to a nest. A very nice day.