Sunday 27 February 2011

I took Miles to RKade skate park this morning. It was good to see so many parents and their children waiting to get in and Miles had a ripping session focusing on mostly three tricks . In the afternoon we had a half an hour walk just around the town in Richmond because I knew it would be really muddy in the words and that was very pleasant. The good thing about being interested in geology is that even walking through town's it can still be interesting and there is much to catch one's attention. To be quite honest I think I would have preferred to have been up the Lake District hill Helvellyn with two friends I know from Digital Earth who were clambering about up there but family is family and you have to stick to what you plan. I was seriously considering sneaking up the Thirlmere side and surprising them at the top but we really did have to visit my mother today and that was good fun. A nice weekend but fairly quiet. It will pick up from 8:30 p.m. on tonight because I am playing music with the Buttonhole Jam Band and they have invited me to have a blow with them at the Butterknowle Acoustic Club which I do believe has been renamed Butterknowle Open Mike night. I am amazed they have not barred me from that particular music session because of my rather flighty harmonica playing. They seem to like it!Mind you tonight could be my last night because I am going to play jazz over the pop songs and it will be interesting to see how it goes. I used to do this all the time when I played with people in the North East of England and York so it should be all right. It can have a distracting effect on musicians with such weird sounds coming out but Button Hole Jam are good players and I am sure they can handle a Nutter like me!