Saturday 3 March 2012

Even though Fiona is doing more wobbling, because of her sinusitis, than a Liberal Democrat trying to make a decision, she came out with us for a quick walk around the Durham Woods. Within the first 200 m of strolling by the River Wear we saw a Little Grebe with what looked like a burgeoning summer plumage coming out. Nice and I hope he finds a nice mate and with that plumage I am sure he will.

The youngies were out rowing the river which was nice and always makes me feel very active myself. We got a smattering of a shower but a tiny bit of damping does nobody any harm. The woods were showing that very dark yellow purply colour of the buds coming out and on that subject we walked very close by many lovely catkins and pussy willows which had Fiona slavering and muttering about nature tables and "Where is my Bowie knife". I have no idea what it is about primary school teachers and pussy willows but it seems to make them very excited.

She had calmed down by time we got to Durham City Centre and biscuit break was humorous as usual accompanied by the strong smells of the Hog Roast stall right behind us. Must try some of that roasted flesh sometime it smells very good. We took an alternative route back which was Miles idea and the street up the hill that we went along was really pretty with great views of Durham Cathedral.

After getting back home, Fiona and I had a nice crash and cuddle listening to "Old Ideas" by Leonard Cohen which is a brilliant and very subtle . I hope, like him, and several other oldies that I know like those in the Button Hole Jam, that I keep improving with age. Well, time to get off my backside, get the Meatballs, tomato sauce and very chunky concho pasta going or the family will start complaining.

This is the second day of the Baha'i Fast and I do not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset and it goes on for 19 days. I quite like this time of the Baha'i Year but I am really looking forward to my tea!