Friday 10 September 2010

The lads had a ripping session at RKade skate park in Redcar last night. Clifford seems to have got over his tiredness problems which had the Doctor not concerned at all! As I said to Fo several times "You cannot run up hills like he does and have anything wrong with you ". I find the hill test to indicate the state of a child's health very reassuring.

Anyway, last night whilst talking with a well educated and professionally qualified parent I heard the best bit of sexist humour I had come across in years. Me and this guy were talking about technology and I joked that "I will be glad when robots do everything because we can all sit around and do maths every day" " Aye " he replied " but the problems will come when they get self awareness, after all, look what happened when women got it !" Wonderful, even though I don't agree with him. This is nearly as good as the best bit of sexist humour I ever heard which came from a Bahai lady Audrey Mellard in a discussion about equality between the sexes. She said " I don't want to be equal to a man because I don't want to lower myself!" Absolutely right because as we are slowly getting this equality we have to make sure it gravitates upwards to all good and fine things rather than the lowest common denominator. And on that note I'd better get on with some maths!