Saturday 3 December 2011

Fiona and I had a nice stroll around Saltholme RSPB Nature Reserve right in the middle of Machine City aka Teeside! It was fairly cold but that didn't affect the birds at all. I mostly wanted to see a Marsh Harrier and there was one around but we did not see it. We did see a Short Ear Owl perched on a gate and that was brilliant! Over at the Saltholme Hide we saw several Pintails and White Fronted Geese. Fiona got a bit tired and dizzy after a couple of miles but felt a lot better than she did a couple of weeks ago.Home-made soup and a big pot of yoghurt went down well at the cafe there and Saltholme RSPB Nature Reserve is well worth a visit so get yourself down or up there. I must say I find that bird watchers as a subspecies of the human race are a very nice and talkative people in fact they are a bit over informative but I really like that!