Sunday 18 May 2014

A good weekend . No music but who cares. It's in the head but I can't be bothered to write it down and wail  it . Yesterday we visited Miles at his Durham Hall of Residence  to get family stuff sorted out . Which we did . He's a good lad. And we might be half decent parents as well! Wise anyway!Went to Bahai Feast and met Durham Friends after this and had a very nice time . Spoke to a fine 13 year old girl who knew more about the music business than I ever will. If I get anywhere I'd have her manage me as soon as she gets past 18. Ambition with knowledge = success! Today Fiona and I visited my Mum in Richmond and she was cheerful but not feeling very well. |She does seem to be fading a bit but she is very resilient . I've just had a great talk with Clifford about him going to a Social Anxiety support group and he's keen to do that. Good lad ! Plenty of songwriting to do for the week and harmonica practice so a good one coming up which will start tonight . The flood has come back. I hate the droughts !