Friday 29 March 2013

Today Fiona was fit for footing it for a few miles so we went off to Saltholme RSPB bird reserve to look at the ornithological attractions. It was slightly cold and we were deceived into thinking it was warm when walking with the wind and once we turned into it it got really cold. We saw Great Crested Grebes doing their courtship rituals as well as Red Breasted Mergansers rushing at each other furiously which I guess must be part of their courtship thing.

There were not a lot of birds but the skyscape more than made up for it with a very high patchy alto cumulus, sort of like fluffy pancakes in the sky with blue patches between them. Really nice. The whole wide open view of the Teesside industry with the Tontine hills part of the North Yorkshire Moors about 10 miles away is a wonder to behold. Smashing area we live in and Fiona was in good foot fettle and that was lovely.

When at the SaltHolme Hide the wind was blowing so furiously through the letter box shaped viewing panel that she protested very loudly that she was cold and we had to go back now. Poor lady. I have been getting her cold and wet ever since we met in 1987. At least I am consistent!
O boy I am having trouble with my mush again. Maybe I don't think about ferrets enough, or wind swept wastelands full of sheep or is it the dastardly experiences of hanging onto a fellside by my teeth in a howling wind dispelling my Yorkshireness , but my mushy peas are giving me the No Mush Til I'm Ready Two Step yet again. Has the quality of peas to be mushed gone down? Blame the government, Tony Blair, climate change, the farmers of peas who no doubt are flinging every pea they can get at the Southern market for Holier Than Thou Health food so they're eye is off the ball or even pea resulting in me having a beat my head with spoon moment trying to get the lowly pea mushed . Help : I'm having a crisis! I play my harmonica for inspiration but no luck!