Monday 5 November 2012

Fiona is getting better at last and this morning we had a really nice walk around the Durham Woods and alongside the River Wear. It was good to see her in such good fettle although she has lost some of her fitness due to a recent illness. She ran out of steam a bit when we got to the centre of Durham but a muffin and cup of coffee soon restored her. It was really good fun just sat on the steps in Durham market place, slurping and munching and watching the people go by .

She bought a hat, at my recommendation no less, which looks all studenty and has swinging tassles on it. Not bad for a retired teacher! I sometimes think we are both getting younger as we get older. It really suits her and I'm considering getting one  myself. The Little Grebes were on the River Wear again today but they kept having to dive underwater when the student rowers went flying by in their boats. Birds have to put up with a lot sometimes. A nice morning out.