Saturday 27 December 2014

Sometime there is a perfect day and I've just had one of them. I got my new song Durham County Line sung and recorded up this morning . After some initial hassles sorting out the how of recording it, it  in went in very quickly . Nice , because I wanted it done before going out to Newcastle with the family at 1.30pm. A Deadline Dandy me ! The scattered clouds and low winter sun over Newcastle Centre were great and we walked over the Millennium Bridge , up to the top of the Baltic Flour Mill Art Building , then over to the Sage and up to the top of that , then over the Tyne Bridge , down to the Tudor Holy Jesus Hospital , meandered  around the Eldon Square Shopping area and then plonked ourselves down at the Wok Inn to munch our way through some brill Chinese food . Hitting the street afterwards it was sleeting like mad so we hoofed it to the car promptly and headed for home . With chocolate and Diet Coke we watched a German film called "Run Lola Run" which was really cool and wacky, a fitting end to a great day . The best thing about today was listening to Clifford talk about getting back to University to study History and he is applying for Northumbria , Newcastle and York Universities . Good lad . It's been a tough year for him but spiritual , physical and emotional resilience is what our family is all about . We're a team but we also believe in first and foremost team human family  and I am super grateful for the love , support and great advice I've had from friends this year.God bless you all.