Saturday 5 February 2011

Still with the warblings of playing harmonica with other like minded crazies at Heighington County Durham last night me and the whole family have just got back from a lovely walk through the Durham Woods, into Durham City Center and back to Shincliffe. From all the rain in Cumbria the River Wear was well flooded after all the head of Weardale is only a few miles from the Cumbria area anyway so it must have caught part of that storm. Going through some lovely allotments that look onto Durham Cathedral across the river one of the diggers there told us to keep an eye out for a sparrowhawk and on cue a few minutes later one turned up about 5 metres above us at the top of a tree . Beautiful. It looked around for a few minutes which must have been frustrating because dinner was twittering all around it but then it flew over to another tree all part of its sectioning its territory routine . I actually surprised Fiona because I knew what it was going to do next . I'm sure she now thinks that I have a psychic connection with a common raptor. Got to keep her guessing lads ! All part of trying to be an interesting husband! We trooped around the Cathedral which was very dark and mysterious so dark that it was hard to tell the fossils from the people but then again I've had that problem every time I've watched Prime Ministers Questions. Had a good laugh on the way back attempting sparrowhawk impressions and an enthralling double episode of Star Trek coming up and I'm cooking a spag boll for tea which isn't sphagnum moss and something unmentionable but a reputable Italian dish. Another great family afternoon out.