Saturday 12 October 2013

Beautiful afternoon with the family and Nimbo Stratus clouds drizzling rain around Durham City. Student boys and girls sporting it with female football and the US heavy stuff. Leaves grey green under the clouds to brown, purple red and orange. Beautiful. Lads and love of my life chatting and cheerful. Durham Cathedral sombre and quiet under the rain. Cathedral cloisters silent, Clifford and I mellowed on bench whilst Miles and Fiona visited Monks Dormitory, now a library. Loved the clash between the sporty students thrusting and active, just as I feel, and the quiet peopleless Durham. Home to happy house. Cohen, crash, cuddle with the lovely Fiona and then arising to Italian meal preparation. Have to pinch myself because I have felt several times over the last 25 years  my life is a dream and one day I will wake up. But it's real and I thank God for my family and my friends every day.