Sunday 16 May 2010

Cautley spout in the Howgills was awesome today. The boys belted up 1000 foot climb in about 10 minutes! Fo and I did some serious bird spotting and confused a skylark with a golden plover! We had a good look walking in the Cautley spout Gorge as well. Afterwards we visited Fiona's mum who was truly pleased to see us. A totally gorgeous lady!

I have been worrying lately about Clifford's tiredness due to him growing so fast. But when I see a young man ripping up a hill so fast I realise there is little to worry about. The last time I popped him to the doctor he could see how fit he was and he is not concerned either. Apparently teenagers can get very tired when they grow very fast. Just to really push the point, he raced back the last mile with Miles to the car! A nice sight, two fit lads tearing around the countryside.

I was amazed how few people were in the Howgills today. It just seems to get quieter as the years go by. I know it is not on most hikers radar but more people should visit because it is a beautiful place.