Monday 1 April 2013

"Teachers are warning that young people are being damaged by an over-sexualised culture."

Yes this is true . We did not get involved with  quite  a lot of parents or their children because the parents did little to stop there children from toddlers on behaving like mini adults . Its a judgement but one I'm glad we made. There was the constant harping on from some parents that kids that don't do what every other kid does are "missing out" . Really?  True choice for parents and children is  when you give all sorts of experiences to kids and then form a parental judgement  about whether the activity furthers and protects them.  Fiona and I rarely see families walking the hills or even the countryside just outside of towns . That choice is obviously not being offered to kids!

To put this in some perspective . Some children are trim and fit . Are they missing out because they are not fat and unfit like an increasing amout of them are ?