Saturday 18 May 2013

 Oh yes, at the Goth weekend after we had had ice creams there was a very tall trim and beautiful lady who was wearing some sort of light brown plastic one-piece dress from her ankles up with a fairly low cut to the chest and plastic shoulder straps. I just had to get close to this lady to have a look at the dress as it turned out I got very close as I stood right in front of her whilst  several people were talking to her and taking photos. I am not sure a plastic dress like that is comfortable but she reminded me of the Borg Queen from Star Trek and she was just as pretty as well. I would have liked to have touched the material but I think that may be going too far although I could have asked. Sometimes I am shy and have a sense of decorum!
On 27th April I had a nice pre-birthday day out at Whitby with my family. The weather was nice and it was a bit cold but best of all after we had looked at our usual glacial weathering and the rocks in the glacial till and had walked down the beach into the centre Whitby when we noticed a lot of people wearing black and someone told us it was Whitby Goth Weekend .

So, all these people wearing black and some in a sort of military uniform carrying big brass guns were from the  Gotholithic period in the early 1980s. I loved the purple and blue hair that the very fine middle-aged ladies had and also some of them had daughters in tow who looked really stunning. My lads noticed them definitely! Unusually for us as a family we decided to have a cup of coffee in a very nice quaint picturesque Cafe which had quite a few Goths in there. At the coffee counter there were a couple of young ladies who looked like they would really like to talk to a couple of nice young man and my lads were with us so I invited them to go over and chat to them if they liked. They smiled but declined.

Upstairs there was a Goth mother and daughter pair and a guy and his wife, the guy being in a military uniform with a huge brass gun. Fiona ask them politely if she could take photos   and they were very obliging. In fact every one of the Goths we spoke to was super polite and didn't mind having photos  taken.  I'm  amazed at what can happen when you go out for a walk around Whitby to look at birds and rocks and then suddenly find this wonderful subculture laid out all around the streets. North Yorkshire is always surprising!

Nipping over to the East Pier I looked back at the cliffs and there had been a huge rockfall of a least 50 foot in width right from the top where all the detaic  rock sediments were from the period in the Jurassic where most of Yorkshire was just one huge delta with lots of sand and silt. It did me remind me rather uncomfortably that  walking at the bottom of those cliffs can involve a slight risk of thousands of tonnes of rock falling onto one's head. Believe you me it is worth it!

We had our usual fish and chips at Hadley's which was great and there were a couple Goths in there as well and looking out of the picture windows onto the street and all these amazing Goths around was quite something. What surprised me during this day is when we were at the cafe we all   hung out together for a change instead of moving on looking at stuff and that was really nice and something I want to do again. I feel the showing my children  something because it is interesting phase of my relationship with them  is coming to an end. Nobody was bored we were enjoying each other's company having a good laugh and talking about the Goth weekend and how amazing the people looked. A really nice day out and the best way I like to celebrate my birthday, because I don't like my birthday day, is  to do it before hand and have a nice time. Thank you family!
Now I have got my study room set up and soundproofed for music as well as recording stuff I woke up this morning with a feeling that the musical part of my life can go ahead at last. Or not, because I am writing and recordings songs to put out there to show to people that I can sing and write music and pretty shortly I will be putting out harmonica stuff as well to try to find a musician or musicians to work professionally with i.e. go out there and gig  and tour.

It is a  good at the moment because I am doing a day job working with Learning Disabled people and this fits my model of how any musician should conduct their affairs which is to pay your way doing a normal job and then have a go at being a musician as well. So, I am feeling pretty comfortable and this is the mental backdrop behind my walk today and feeling of contentment that I have.

Since about 10 PM last night it threw it down with rain and on my way up to Durham City for a walk around the town with Clifford and Fiona I was amazed at the amount of surface water . The tiny stream in the middle of Bowburn on the way to Durham had burst its banks and the road was completely flooded to a depth of about 18 inches which surprised me because we have not had that much rain and is an indication of how soaked the ground still is.

Walking around the banks of the River Wear was a delight and we went to look at the flood defences they are building and walked through a lovely part of the woods with many bluebells rising up the sides of the bank . Beautiful.

Because of the weather the city was really quiet, the clouds were very light glowing grey having discharged a lot of water and I could just see the condensation evaporating off the ground which will form haze and possibly mist  later. It is great getting into Earth Science books because it gives an explanation of what is going on around me.

Biscuit break was in Durham Cathedral Cloisters and was good fun particularly as we are sitting on the light side of the Cloisters facing West and I don't know why we didn't sit there in the first place years ago. Maybe us  Saunders-Priem's    like dark and gloomy places I don't know. Anyway, after hoofing it back to the car I went back on the A167 to avoid the flooding at Bowburn but there were pools on the road in several sections on the way back.

Miles is working like a Trojan at the moment meeting deadlines and getting really into his mathematics and I have been very impressed by his ability to get up at 6 AM and just crack on. Several times this week he has done 10 or 11 hours of maths a day. Good lad. I am supremely grateful to the Good Lord that I could get a job and show him that I can go out to work and it always worried me that he had never seen that side of me. I have always been keen to work at any job, I like to get up early in the morning and get out and  about.

Home-made pork meatballs, pasta , tomato sauce and garlic bread is progressing nicely as I write this and I have got a good evening lined up of writing lyrics   for two songs, melodies come really easy for me and then recording them for public listening next week. I am hoping to find a musician or musicians who want to go out and play professionally  but with original music not  covers because original music is the only way to make a half decent living. I don't think I'm going to be successful at this but the only talent I really have is  persistence, determination and trying. In fact Fiona finds me trying a lot of the time but I've realised    that is maybe why she loves me because I try for her and my family as well. A great day and I am about to watch Terminator 2 with my family and we have nominated Fiona an Honorary Boy for the duration so she can join us in watching it.