Thursday 31 January 2013

After a great interview this morning I have now got a job working with Learning Disabled people in this case folk who are autistic. There is some training to be done, courses to be completed online which I can do with my voice recognition and I got the job as the man said "because of your values". God bless the interviewers and I did not know whether to laugh or cry when I found out because I was convinced I was not going to get a job ever. But, I am pretty good at forgetting about the flak and getting on target and that is what I did with a lot of goodwill to the other candidate, who I thought was excellent I might add, who also got a job. Ubu "you be you" are quite an enlightened company and I thought I would just be working as a relief worker but I am doing 20 hours for a little while, while the men get used to me and then I will be full-time. God bless all of my friends and family who inspire me so much to keep my act together and move forward.

From this point on I am giving up music and concentrating on working with the Learning Disabled which is where I started out on my life's path to becoming a better human being in 1982 at York in Juniper Communities. It was Joe James who told me about Juniper Communities way back then and I went there and it sort of changed my life. Thanks Joe and I love you man.
Miles did his driving test today and passed first time. Total respect to the lad because when he first started driving it took him over 20 hours to learn how to use the clutch. I have said many times the only talent I have is persistence but what I love about the lad is that when he finds things he cannot do, he has no talent for, he just keeps going at it until he gets it. Well done Miles!