Saturday 28 September 2013

Cracking day. Nice sleep in to start. Piece of hardware turned up to do better vocals understood it in minutes and deployed it. Good stuff. Trucked off to Durham with Clifford and Fiona under sunny Altostratus skies. Durham Woods green, orange and brown. City centre bustling with students. Spoke to busking guitarist Jake. Doing Ph.D. in computer engineering next year at Bath. Excellent. Brilliant guitarist and young man. Looked at Miles' flat and it is clean and tidy. He went to ceilidh last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Biscuit break in Durham market. Packed out with people looking happy. Met Mrs Wilcox administrator from the lads former secondary school. Wonderful lady, husband nice as well. Traipsed around Durham in basking light and then back home. Mini crash and cuddle with Fiona, meatballs pasta with tomato sauce now bubbling, third Batman film to watch and nice to have family together again. I thank God every day for my family and my friends. Looking forward to Butterknowle Music Bash tomorrow. I will try not to be too enthusiastic but I can hear the many notes flooding out already! Not good!