Saturday 27 August 2011

Sometimes you have a day out that knocks you emotionally just because of the sheer beauty of it . Myself and the family went over to Dalton in the South Lakes to celebrate Fiona's Mums (Veronica) 88th Birthday . Beckie, Fiona's sister and her daughter were there to and we all gathered together in a day room in the fine old peoples home Veronica currently lives in . Singing Happy Birthday to her all smiling away was a joy to behold. Seeing her opening the chocolates with the freshness of a young girl and the coyness of someone who you'd think had never tasted chocolate before was lovely to watch . She just wanted to have a chocolate and share them with everyone as well. Nice . We went to the fine eating establishment the Stagger Inn , stagger in , yes , and she lapped up the attention and the food . An amazing time . Driving back via the Howgills which had thick and wispy clouds hovering halfway up the slopes and sliding down into the valley just complimented the nice setting sun melancholy that we all felt . The only cloud in my valley was that my faint heart family didn't want to pop up a Howgill " Just a little one " I said to really experience the clouds . They wanted to get home and I love them all for it ! A very nice day and God bless all the families all over the world.