Tuesday 15 March 2011

Last Sunday I had a really nice day . In the morning I took Miles down to RKade skatepark in Redcar and 2 of his mates were there Luke and Joseph and they all had a great ripping session. Miles was doing his footplant off a raised box on top of the halfpipe which is quite spectacular for such a large lad to be doing . He races up the side of the ramp and then when his board is just about to hit the box he puts his foot on it and jumps back into the ramp still on his skateboard : hopefully . Good job the lad knows how to fall which is a big part of getting good at skateboarding as well as enjoying it!

In the afternoon we had a quick 2 mile walk around the town in Richond and the hazy , lazy sunshine was nicely matched by the town being very quiet and there were hardly any cars parked in the market . Back in the '70s Richmond used to be like that all the time in fact even quieter . We visited my Mum who was in good fettle and we had quite a laugh there which always cheers her up and leaves her exasperated as well , occasionally exhausted , usually because I feel so naughty there what with my wife being there as well. Its nice to know that Mum blames Fo for my exuberance because she reckons that I was a quiet lad until I got married to Fo . I'm sure a lot of my old friends in York from the '80s would really disagree with her . But nice to know its not my fault ! After all those years of good parenting reminding my lads to take personal responsibilty for their words and actions do I really want to say that ? Yeah I do! A good day .