Saturday 26 January 2013

After a fairly good week I woke up this morning hellbent on doing some harmonica tootling because I am getting out and about trying to impress  folk and get a band or duo to go out and work. Then again, I just could not be bothered and the delights of reading about the US Civil War were far better. I can take or leave music these days.

Miles decided to stay in to do his mathematics this afternoon, Fiona was still down with her sinusitis bug so Clifford and I trucked  off to the Durham woods for a ramble. There was a lot of snow on the ground having fallen last night but it was already melting, slippy and wet. As soon as we cut off the road I saw a Jay and a flock of Red Wings which was really good because I have established where the Jay  is   and I will see it many times now. Maybe I will see little Jays in a few weeks time! The woods were bright but mellow under the winter sun with many types of clouds including I think  Cirrocumulus , very high altitude cumulus clouds.  Nice.

We can't call biscuit break, biscuit break anymore because we are now having muffins so we now call it muffin break which sounds a real laugh. In Durham Cathedral Cloisters we munched our way through our muffins watching  a lot of people go by enjoying the mediaeval building. There was a choir of females warbling in the main part of the cathedral with an orchestra as well. Sounded pretty good!

When we got back home Miles was full of himself having done a load of mathematics and Fiona was feeling better so we had a crash and a cuddle listening to The Essential Leonard Cohen which is really beautiful. Our new bed is fairly comfortable but a bit weird because I feel as if I am floating above the ground. Due to the downstairs bedroom having a concrete floor I reckon that the two of us sleeping in the bed every night creating a lot of warmth, interfacing with the concrete floor and the carpet on top of it was creating condensation. I had Fiona laughing her head off yesterday because I said what essentially was happening was a cloud was forming in the bed, because a dew  point had been reached, and then all the water molecules started sticking together and it effectively rained which is why we got the condensation. This got nowhere and she just laughed but I thought my mattress theory of cloud formation and precipitation deserved some consideration. No chance: she has heard my wafflings   before. Clifford laughed as well when he heard this and it is hard to be taken seriously by my family sometimes. I do try!

A very beautiful mellow day, with a wadge  of mellowness between my ears and a general feeling of love for humanity, family and friends. Life is good but I want either a day job or to go out and blow the world down with my harmonica!