Friday 11 November 2011

‎"I keep wondering about a different world where science got there first" ( to Toby Philpott) It did get there first with trial and error , the little monkeys remembered the result and improved or rejected that which didn't work. Naturally with that comes a desire to understand the unknown and that is one of the ways God or rationalising the unknown comes in. We evolved that sense as an aspect of experience and had the capacity to do that. God is just a word by the way that reflects a real experience as in the unknown produces things we have to deal with . You could never name the real "God" completely in the same way you can't name the unknown ie because we can't know it completely. It is also worth thinking that it isn't so much that the monkeys became us as individuals but they responded to changes in environment ie loss of tree cover. In a sense you can say that that is what is decisive and neither them or us has any control over that whatsoever. Another good question is why some monkeys could respond to environmental changes but others couldn't . There doesn't seem to be any geneticically causal evidence to say why and it is doubtful that there ever will be! Only man has the capacity to believe in or invent God : the unknown.