Saturday 8 December 2012

Under a dull, dark, and damp atmospheric sky we walked our way through the Durham Woods today. The ground was slightly treacherous because although the snow and ice had cleared there was still a lot of frozen ground which could be slipped over quite easily with the ice just underneath the surface.

Fiona was very fit today, Clifford always is and she loped over the hills easily as we went a rather circuitous route around the outskirts of Durham City before heading into Durham Cathedral and cloisters for biscuit break.

When we went through the Cathedral there was a Carol Service and we noticed that a lot of the angels all in silvery suits walking down the nave were learning disabled people  thoroughly enjoying themselves . It brought tears to my eyes because it was a lovely sight as well as the great singing. God bless the Christian religion for bringing such wonderful experiences to us.

We had very high spirits today not least because Fiona was so fit and her legs are coming back into fettle so some bigger and longer walks are definitely on the menu. Miles was busy with his mathematics this afternoon so stayed at home, but I am now doing my usual conducting of the Orchestra of meatballs, tomato sauce, fresh pasta and garlic bread so as to feed my very hungry family tonight. A very beautiful afternoon out particularly watching the learning disabled folk being angels, and they really are angels, as well as the great singing and atmosphere in Durham Cathedral.