Thursday 10 January 2013

Well, I don't think it is a matter of fairly distributing anything. The prime problem in the UK and elsewhere at the moment is raising income levels of the poorest so can purchase the necessities for a good life. Naturally, the tremendous gap between the rich and the poor and by rich I mean the middling bunch as well , like you and me, would be substantially narrowed.I think the word  "market"  gets bad press and even in the Soviet Union they had limited markets where people could buy and sell things. It is the essence of freedom, based on property, in the former Soviet Union case personal private property and democracy depends on it as well.

Competition, rivalry is simply another part of the overall concept of cooperation. The Olympics are all about competition but everybody agrees to the rules and if they don't there is a world body in this case the Olympic organisation to enforce those rules if anybody breaks them or disagrees with them.Competition and cooperation are what the Olympics are essentially about. Countries compete and to a certain extent there is nothing wrong with wanting your own country to win and do better, a sound patriotism in other words, I certainly have that  but it has to be based on international cooperation and obeying the rules of a world system not trying to belittle or even beggar those countries around you. Laws, rules and even world institutions already exist Ian it is just a matter of extending them to embrace the whole planet so that the possibilities and potentialities of it can be liberated for all to benefit not just the privileged Western few.Or the privileged Eastern few!

Underproduction in Africa is a massive problem and I believe they will not require any world system eventually to become like China, they will do it themselves, but after that an overarching world cooperative system would be necessary to keep this massive increase in world prosperity in place. As I said features of the future system are  already in place! Trading blocs already exist across the planet it is only a matter of time before there is a world government of those trading blocs.