Saturday 9 April 2011

Yesterday it was to good to stay in so I went down to York for an 8 miles walk . Parked up at Homestead Park and the Gardens were lovely particularly the rhododendrons and the azaleas. Moving down to Museum Gardens the River Ouse was low and there has been a spell of dry weather in the Dales so little water decants into the Ouse. Over at the Uni Lake again there were few ducks around but there were a few moorhen and coot nests so at least they are going strong . They tend to survive any weather . Back up to Parliament Square I got a super pasty from the Pasty Company and sat down on a bench and got talking to a nice old Canadian man where we sort of put the world to rights . He was on a mini tour and then off up to Edinburgh to visit his son doing a Phd up there and I said that if my lads go to Canada, which we are encouraging them to do we will be doing the same sort of thing but the other way around . Gorgeous drive back because there were miles of Blackthorn hedging blossoming away and it look like a line of snow between the fields . A great time of the year and a nice few hours in Ye Olde Yorke . I like going there because as Niel Young said about a town that meant a lot to him " all my changes were there " .