Saturday 6 April 2013

 A cracking day starting out with doing a Baha'i stall in Darlington centre which went really well. A lady had picked up a leaflet a few months ago and said she will be in touch with us soon. Whether it is enquiring about the Baha'i Faith or joining it I do not know but she  and her family are very welcome. Another delightful moment was meeting one of Fiona's ex-colleagues Linda Griffiths a lovely lady like most primary teachers. When I think about it most of the finest men and women I know are primary teachers. Bizarre. And I am married to one. Ummmmm!

After getting totally frozen on my stall I got back to the family and with Fiona and Clifford went straight out for a walk around the river Wear  in Durham City. The skyscape was wonderful with a deep blue shade and oblong rectangular shaped puffy cumulus clouds which just couldn't get going up because there was not enough convection to raise them really high. Beautiful though.

Durham city was fairly busy what with the Grand National going on as well which seems to boost the pub business but everybody was happy and smiley which is how I like to see people. Biscuit break was just joyous as it usually is.

Fiona got a bit fragged  out with the walk so was fast asleep within 10 min of being in the car on the way back. When we got back joy of joys my new book, a history of the American Civil Rights movement "Eyes on the Prize" had arrived which means I will have a really good evening as opposed to just a good evening getting stuck into that. I will do a few other things as well I'm going to sing a few songs this evening as well as watch some star Trek episodes.

Miles stayed at home today to crack on with this mathematics, good lad, and I'm impressed with his hard work and devotion to his subject. Well, I am doing home-made burgers which aren't really burgers because I use a cylindrical cutter to make them about 2 1/2 inches wide and a little bit higher cylinder shaped, a lovely tomato sauce, fresh spaghetti and the usual garlic bread. My family brings out the best in me, so do my friends and I'm positively inspired by them particularly my mate Don Bertram who got a promotion in his job running a windfarm down in Norfolk. I need people to look up to and inspire me and between my family and my friends I get all the inspiration I would ever need. Plus the odd kick up the backside sometimes which I need to push me on as well as cut me down when I get too excited. God bless them all!