Saturday 31 August 2013

 Cracking day starting out with Baha'i stall with Clifford in the morning. Miles was wasted with a cold so it was off to Durham with Fiona and Clifford. Nifty walk into City Centre, nibbled choccy biscuits in marketplace then off to Cathedral bumping into a Vikings and Saxons exhibition with Fiona looking at weavers and spinners and us lads getting into a mock knife fight between some Vikings and Saxons. Excellent. Strange structures outside of Durham Cathedral indicated the possibility of wondrous things going on inside. Correct, there was a fundraising flower festival   with amazing flower arrangements . Technically wonderful and beautiful as well. The best beauty of all was watching my lovely wife really enjoying herself looking at flowers.

In the Cathedral far too long with one eldest child left alone possibly getting hungry. So, no home cooking, a trip to Mr Wings Chinese food Emporium and then back home to munch it with Miles watching "50 First Dates" which was excellent and very uplifting. Family life beautiful, friends great, job going well and it looks like they want me and songwriting is fun. A good day!