Saturday 21 May 2011

With the family I've just got back from a 4 mile walk around Willances Leap in Lower Swaledale just out side of Richmond . There are three routes around the Leap and Fo and I went the lower to middle route to look at plants, birds and rocks and I sent the lads around the higher to lower route , about 2 miles further so they could stretch their legs . Off the lads went swiftly disappearing like some startled lost tribe into the heavily leaved woods and Fo and I ambled along under a low grey sky that threatened rain but promised fun . Going over a low flat plain we saw many Swallows and Sand Martins and they were chasing each other at high speed which seems to be courting for them . I could be wrong because by the River Swale there were many midges and insects which is all the food these birds ever need to breed , raise young and then fly back to Africa , all before winter . Amazing! We saw two large parties of walkers a 30 strong group of young and old hiking ladies , nice; don't worry, Fiona had me on a firm lead, and another group of happy looking misfits with no coats food or water! Good for them. We spied the boys with the binoculars on the upper path and as we found out later Miles had taken a wrong turning and ended up where he shouldn't be but then found his way to the right path and toddled along . The whole point of the going off on his own being in charge of his brother exercise is that he goes in the right direction but more useful is that when he goes wrong he gets back to the right path . I was very pleased with him getting back on track . It could have been less forgiving in the Lakes Howgills and particularly the relatively featureless Northern Pennines but I have noticed that he checks out the route very carefully when we go up there . Going the wrong way in any of those places results in doubling a long way and very tired legs . He is doing really well but I'll give him some more complicated routes over the summer in the Settle Ingleborough area where there are plenty of holes to fall down! We met up with the lads back at the car exactly 2 hours as planned and they were 10 minutes early . Meatballs, tomato sauce , garlic bread and spaghetti is now coming up prepared by moi coming up with two episodes of Star Trek Deep Space Nine . Yummy! A really nice day . I also cracked a A Level maths problem this morning which was very satisfying! I might make a maths teacher yet !