Sunday 13 March 2011

Yesterday I got up at 5.30 am to get my breakfast on board before sunrise to do the Baha'i Fast . I was wondering what to do then so I traipsed off to York (nearly popped up to High force in Teesdale to look at some rocks but I wanted a town walk) and got there at 7.20 am and had a lovely 8 mile walk around the very quiet town. It was magical and the low subdued winter light just mellowed it out into striding along in a fairly dream like state . When walking up the River Foss next to the old York Press works I was amazed at how loud the geese were honking away but the sound was just bouncing off the buildings . I felt sorry for the residents and reminded my self not to buy a flat there if or most likely when we reside again in Ye Olde Yorke! Around the University there was hardly a student out and the ducks and geese have still not returned to the numbers they were last year. When I got back to the family it was straight out to Durham for a 4 mile very brisk walk because Fiona and Miles need some speed walks at the moment to help them get over the bad colds they've had . Its amazing how quickly you can lose fitness ! The River Wear was up and the steady rate of the river being in spate is nicely washing the debris away from the banks which make it easier to see the medieval embankment underneath at least that's what I think it is because the structure looks identical to what I know is medieval embankment further up . No doubt some Durhamite will put me right when I ask. Fo was blooming when we got back to the car . Just what she needed . The combination of a 12 miler of walking and no food or drink for just under 12 hours left me feeling thinner by the end of the day . A scrumptious meal at sunset was good though !