Saturday 1 September 2012

Under patchy blue skies with long plates of clouds letting the sun through the lightly autumnal light Fiona, Clifford and I had a lovely walk around a laid-back and sleepy Durham City. We walked straight in along the road from Shincliffe because I wanted to see the new university buildings which are nearly completed and the leaves on the Beech and Sycamore trees were just starting to change, getting that tinged colouring, the first signs of another season coming.

Many more times than I can remember and count I have had dreamlike walks as well as occasions with my family and today was one of them. We always have a fairly humorous, mellow, relaxed tone about us it is part of our family culture but sat there having biscuit break in the centre of Durham with my family and the crowds whipped up a little bit with some of the new young people who are about to embark on their studies just felt completely right.

Miles, was a bit unwell today and tired from a very busy week, the lad works very hard as well as intensely, so he stayed in, but what was best about getting back home was his keen interest in our walk, one he knows so well and he pretty much knows what we are going to say, but he is still interested. I think the best human beings are those who just take an interest in the very ordinary because it is in actual fact very special.

The Mr Leonard Cohen graced our crash out and cuddle as Fiona and I listened to his warbling tones and very good songs. For some reason today I was really hearing the backing singers and the instrumentation which was totally sublime.

The meatballs are now cooking, venison today, the sauce is getting even saucier and our Saturday evening routine is about to happen with the second of The Matrix series films to watch. Later on I will be watching some episodes of Deep Space 9 which is really great because I watch them on my own now and I can really get into it even though I said a while back I would never watch it again. I really understand why my eldest lad gets so much out of it it is a very deep series. I might even blow some harmonica and sing later on this evening. Magical day!