Saturday 10 November 2012

Well, it has been one of those days which corresponds to: Magic. It got off to a good start and Fiona and I did our Baha'i Stall in the centre of Darlington for a couple of hours. Only one person took a leaflet but a lot of people were looking at our stall today. They often do.

When we got back home the book I have ordered from Amazon "Gender" by Ivan Ilich had arrived which was great because that has sorted out my reading for the evening. That will be after I have watched four episodes of Star Trek Voyager! Really into Star Trek at the moment. Anyway the lads were up, they sleep in on a Saturday and we went off to Durham for a walk around the woods in the city centre. The weather was mild, blue sky with white wisps of clouds of which I could not identify because they were transitioning from one to another. Interesting and frustrating at the same time. I must read up my cloud books for carefully and I'm nearly at the stage where I can get an atmospheric science book which will be great because I will be able to see the processes occurring within the clouds. Explanation and identification equals a whole lot of satisfaction. Once I understand the explanation that is!

The low winter light really brought out the colours of the remaining decaying leaves in the woods and soon they will be all gone. When we got up to Durham Cathedral, pausing to look over the River Wear from Prebend  Bridge, there were a lot of people in military uniform preparing for the Remembrance Day Service tomorrow. It was good to see all these folk and very reassuring. I never forget that they stand between us and some of the really crazy people in the world with their professionalism and training which puts a break on some nation states trying to win their way in the world without mental acuity and commercial acumen. Brains not force is the only way forward.

Miles managed to get us to Durham in one piece with his driving and we also survived the journey back. On getting back Fiona and I headed for a crash out to listen to Stevie Wonders "Songs in the Key of Life" a wonderful CD. I am now preparing up the meatballs, spaghetti, tomato sauce and garlic bread, the lads are busy playing their games relaxing and Fiona is fast asleep. It is totally brilliant that she is getting fitter and we are planning a Swaledale walk for next week which will be great because she is an amazing Hiking Lady the finest species of womanhood known to man. She puts her boots where her mouth is. A smashing day and God bless my family and my friends, because they make life very meaningful for me.