Sunday 12 December 2010

From midday we went over the Pennine watershed, now the snow had gone , and down to Southern Lakeland to visit Fiona's Mum. On the way over we listened to the Time Out of Mind CD by Bob Dylan although there were grumbles from our lads. Well , children, sometimes Mummy and Daddy want to look at the great countryside much of which we have walked over think about those nice times and TOTALLY FREAKOUT to some cool music . Hey you both did admit you liked the band our Bobby was playing with . It was Leonard Cohen on the way back and the two grumblos in the back like him. Teenagers who like Leonard Cohen . What's wrong with them?!

Anyway , Fo's Mum Veronica was in good cheer but very frail, she is in her 80's and I am always raised up by that good cheer and how good her mind is, still very sharp, sharp enough to appreciate my wayward humor, in spite of the vascular dementia she is suffering from. It just goes to show you cannot keep a good woman down! The boys were really and I mean really good with her and she enjoyed all the photos of them sledging which we had on the netbook.

On the way over we had an hours walk around Ulverston where Veronica used to live and Miles led the walk and took us around a very interesting route with much to look at and talk about . He will be a good Dad one day . Good doggy. There are many architectural history points in the town such as a meeting room of some sort built in the 18th century with another storey added in the 19th century the only reason we knew that was because they had put the dates on both buildings.

Well , after a very dark drive back we were going to watch The Beebs Shakespeare offering with Patrick Stewart, Macbeth, but we decided to watch Star Trek instead. Sorry Mr Ian Fletcher of Taiwan my infallible guide on all things literary, but I often say that Star Trek is the new Shakespeare and now you know that I am dumb enough to believe that . Is there hope for me ? I hope not !