Thursday 24 June 2010

Well, at last my days of home tutoring Miles, which is really just generally supervising him are now over. He completed his last exam today and is quite happy with it. He is having the next few days off and then starts into his Open University work this Monday. No rest for the wicked! For me, it has been a 13 year period which has had an amazing amount of ups and very few downs. He has my total respect for all the hard work he has done. It was quite amusing this morning when I took him to the Queen Elizabeth College examination hall. Because there was a languages and English exam occurring at the same time most of the candidates were women. He was the only candidate doing Mechanics 4 and he was sat right at the front in a row all on his own. It was quite funny when I talked to one of the invigilators because she showed me the seating arrangement document and it was mostly blue and yellow with one red square at the front which was for Miles.