Saturday 12 April 2014

Gorgeous afternoon walk around the Durham Woods with the lovely Fiona. Saw Jay in woods. Heard completely unfamiliar bird song and saw a pair of black bird size birds fly off high in the tree canopy.Had this gnawing worm  in my head all the way  around the walk . In car on way back the only bird it could be was a Ring Ouzel. No other woodland bird sounds like that.  Good old Occam's Razor . Been using it for years . When everything has been proved wrong what is left must be right . Not completely convinced after listening to the RSPB recording but I'm 90% sure . Great biscuit break in Durham Cathedral Cloisters and said prayers for friends past and present dead and alive . Lovely moment .  Coffee in Esquires was beautiful . Durham City ambience is magical. Lads stayed at home . Miles wasted from early morning skate park session in new Darlington indoor skatepark .A very excellent place .  Clifford doing Maths . Good lad! Good effort . Persian rice is ready , peas are done and the home made burgers are a cooking . Pelican Brief film coming up and then an evening of songwriting . Obsessed with songs at the moment . Getting to like harmonica again at last . Just 'cos I'm a cripple and can't play any other instrument I don't know why I dislike it so much . It likes me . I should be friendlier to it !