Saturday 14 June 2014

A beautiful afternoon out doing an urban ramble around Newcastle with Clifford and Fiona . We walked around the castle which goes back to Norman times . Views from the top amazing under a wispy cloudy sky. Then over the high level bridge which is a double decker one . Road on the bottom and railway on top . Coffee at train siding cafe on the Gateshead side . Biscuit break next to the Sage and great views over the Tyne . Lot of Goldfinches. Walked through Sage then nice climb of the stairs up to  the top the Baltic Art Gallery . Great views! I was last person across Millennium Bridge when it was raised to let two boats through . Onward up more steps to Costa Cafe for iced coffee and melon drinks . The meatballs are cooking and we're about to watch Eyes on the Prize episode 4. A brilliant 14 part documentary about the US Civil Rights Movement. Great feelings of love for friends and family .