Saturday 7 June 2014

A wet Saturday walk was done by myself this afternoon. Fiona and Clifford didn't feel like going out .Wandering out from Shincliffe down the lane next to the River Wear   wonderful with all the wet pungent smelling vegetation . Wet weather sporty youngies   out  sporting it. No one else   around .  A reflective walk thinking a lot about family and how it has it's mostly ups but sometimes downs . Nothing us parents are not equal to. We've cracked difficulties with the lads before always ending up at a higher level. That's what life is about . Progress.  Coffee break   at Esquires packed out with damp people . A comradeship of the soggy prevailed. Worked out a couple more songs. Reflected on the great times   with the family  in this City and surrounds . Got back to a very asleep Fiona . I'm now cooking the Italian fresh pasta tea  . Fiona's growing Basil in my music room and the place smells wonderful. She will cut some fresh leaves soon. She's just done it . Gorgeous. The Basil is good as well.  Eyes on the Prize a video history  of the US Civil Rights movement part 2 coming up. Inspirational. I keep my eyes on the prize at all times. What's the prize? Loving humanity and removing injustice.