Saturday 3 July 2010

Good day at the end of a very good week. Had a good kicbike session with Miles and when we got back Fo took Clifford out on the kickbikes but was back after 10 minutes: she crashed. Trying to adjust your hat , whilst braking with only one hand on the handlebar is not a good thing to do . Still she won't do that again. Not as bad as last time a few years ago. Fo and I were on 2 kids scooters whilst the lads were skateboarding in a supermarket car park. This car park had drain grooves a few centimeters wide and not the place you want to put your scooter wheels in particularly at speed. Guess what : Fo was speeding around and then crunch : she went straight over the handlebars and knocked herself out . Like good responsible adults neither of us were wearing helmets! Anyway a group of Clifford's friends were very impressed with this as they stood around her as I was holding her head off the tarmac and when she came round about 30 seconds later she thought she was somewhere nice. Well Morrisions car park usually is nice for scooting around. She was alright, drove herself to hospital to have a quick check , chipped a tooth and had a few facial cuts. That's what I like about my lovely wife : she really goes for it . Lucky today though : she was going a lot faster and it could have been nasty. Well the good news is I got to kiss her little finger better because there was the tiniest of cuts on it although I did protest that an injury so minuscule is not worthy of my healing lips. This evening I'm going out for a ten miler with my youngest because he has not had a run out yet today . Hope I live!