Sunday 23 May 2010

A reasonable day. Miles had a good session at RKade skatepark in Redcar this morning. In the afternoon Fo, me and Clifford did a couple of miles walking in Richmond and then we went to visit my Mum. She was in good fettle but I was a bit worried about the effect of the heat on her. I told her very sternly to use her fan at night to stay cool even if it kept her awake . She will get used to it eventually. Miles did another mock A Level for his Further Pure maths exam tomorrow afternoon. He got 94% so he is fairly confident but as always very respectful of the mathematics involved.It can go wrong very easily. Considering that a couple of weeks ago he was having trouble with his exam performance he's doing alright. It's not the talent that impresses me , he was born with that, it is the character he shows when he has to take a few steps back , analyse the problems and then put the work in to raise his abilities to what he expects of himself. I show him the way up the hill but he puts in the graft and has to do the sometimes major navigation when he is on his own on it . Good lad.