Monday 10 December 2012

Totally right, but Toby "each to his own" comprises some belief in institutions (laws, rights, relationships) and a belief in how a life is lived . Across all of the "each to his own " are commonly held practices and beliefs which you or I may "feel" are our own and express our individuality  but are in reality  held in common by all others.  As humans we have more in common than difference between us in other words.  A life based on feeling or temperament , religious or atheistic or whatever doesn't see or understand that common denominator between people  .  Everybody  has different channels , Fiona ,you me  but  we are all in channels , we are all human  and because a different channel expresses difference, the naming of someone elses difference as   irrational or mistaken is plain wrong . People have a right to be respected in the way they  see the world as they like, religious , atheist or anything else. All different channels have to be respected in thought , word or deed and public expression  or else we can't move on from the violence and nastiness of the past. For Bahai's loads of humanists, secularists  and for me its about Unity in Diversity , mankind is one channel first (unity: we are all humans) and many channels second (diversity: we are all individuals) . They go together but the oneness of mankind comes first and if it doesn't , "each to his own", we have a very fractious world where the rich don't feel part of us  and so on . As you know most of the rich and many others really do express "each to their own" to an obnoxious extreme and  what I and many others would  like them to do is see more of the true unity between them and us and contribute accordingly !

The arguing for womens rights , racial justice from individual temperamental position , feeling or through thinking as I do into is never doomed to failure its actually achieved mankinds greatest achievements!