Wednesday 31 August 2011

Today I was supposed be to hiking around the geological wonders of the Howgills but both Fiona and Miles had colds so I went for a walk around York instead. Because of a lot of serious hiking on my own 1976 to 1979 when I was periodically very unhappy with life I'm not to keen on walking the hills on my own. I didn't fancy the usual route today so I walked around the streets and alleys of the City Center including going inside York Minister. I eventually ended up at the Millennium foot bridge where I noticed several people just crashed out on the thing so I stretched out there my self which was very comfortable what with various boats sailing underneath periodically . Very peaceful. Going back through Parliament Street I noticed one of the York Bahai's, Daryoush Mazloum, who I don't think is a Yorkshireman, he is Iranian, doing a small Baha'i stall and I did that with him for the next 90 minutes which was fun , talking with complete strangers one who'd been to Haifa in Israel and had seen the Bahai World Center which slightly miffs me because I am a Baha'i and I'm supposed to go on Pilgrimage to the World Center eventually but I keep on running into non Bahai's who've been there, one of them several times. In 1990 Fiona did a stall there and it was a very similar experience of people looking at the stall then talking to us a bit about the world and how does the Baha'i Faith fit into it something us Bahai's call teaching : basically two way communication as opposed to proselytizing which is one way communication and that is forbidden to us lot. I pretty much like talking about anything I'm interested in like geology , politics, religion and birds so I really enjoy meeting the public . I mentioned to Daryoush that I'm being a steward at the Peace Festival in York this Sunday and he said he will try and get a pitch for the Baha'i Stall there so I will be stewarding , doing the Baha'i stall, socializing with friends like Sybil and Jon Wood and David Young and hopefully getting a walk in so it should be a good day out ! Anyway seeing Daryoush was great and the autumnal light and air in York was lovely . Another nice day out without the family !