Saturday 18 October 2014

Under a blowy cumulus cloud  laden sky I had a beautiful walk with the family around Durham City . The autumn leaves   are going to multicoloured kaleidoscope and we did the same walk as last week but in reverse . It was strange walking backwards but there you go . Biscuit break ,   actually it was a banana for me, was a hooting laugh fest but we settled down enough afterwards to go to Flass Vale Woods the new focus for our Durham walks . There were a lot of students and young people milling around the city streets enjoying that balmy Saturday afternoon take it easy feel which seems to come over Durham City on the weekend and the stop for coffee did nothing to calm our over excited expressions. As soon we got home I cooked   fresh pasta  and tomato sauce for the hungry minions and didn't overcook the garlic bread this week. Being on a weight loss binge I abstemiously had  half a bowl of soup and a piece of garlic bread. We watched the film "The Sum of All Fears" an action adventure romp.  Clifford is coming back on line again , good , Miles is planning his way into teaching work before he does teacher training next year , he has signed on with a supply agency , Fiona is in Garden Goddess hibernation mode because of the forthcoming winter showing  a   mellow happy glow,   like she looked after she gave birth,  but this will go on until the spring and I'm back on the song trail again after another minor slowdown wondering how my music ambition will fit into my current family duties. What I love about my family is the resilient cheer we always manifest no matter what happens. It's something that inspires me with the many fine folk I know as well . Warmest love to everyone !